Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mark and the goose

Our goose follows my husband all over the property. It tries to get ahead of Mark and lead the way whenever possible. If he enters a vehicle, the goose walks next to the vehicle. Wherever he is in the house, the goose is outside that area of the house! My filming is amateur so I hope you enjoy the video clip!


Barb said...

I love the video--I think Mark was following the goose a lot too

Tina Johnston said...

The goose knows where Mark is headed and tries to get in front of him. He has even entered the back porch much to my disdain!

Rianne said...

Hi Tina, this was a great video. i really had to smile because i know how the goose does follow mark.
I even swa Dakota and one of the cats running by :-D
Will show the video to Jürgen aswell.
Hugs Rianne