Monday, January 19, 2009

Fabric Art Assignment two

Hmmm....foiling on fabric might not be something I do a lot of! I did use Heat n' Bond to make the diamonds and used glue stick for the other shapes. I did not find any great success with stamping. Another lady stenciled her foil and it was AMAZING so I'll show hers also...but makes me look like a kindergarten student! Making the fabric beads was great fun. I liked making them very small.


Mychelle said...

Ooh, I love these tiny little elements! The foil gently wrapped around them is the perfect touch. I would love to know more of what these pieces are made of and what the foiling technique is.

Best Wishes, Michelle

Tina Johnston said...

I used a batik fabric and put Heat N' Bond on the back. Then I cut them in triangles and rolled them on a wooden stick against a hot iron. Then I tied fibers on them or wrapped in wire!