Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tree Cutting Party

These photos are for my son in Iraq. Too bad you missed out on cutting the tree down. You heard all about it. I never said so many Our Fathers and Hail Mary prayers in one day before!!!!

Lori's Jackets

Sewing Equestrian Jackets

Where did the month of July go? Oh yes, I've been sewing my eyeballs out. My sister in law had asked me to make her some jackets for showing horses. No pattern and custom fit. After the sewing is complete, then I had to bling up the jackets. Whew! It was fun and a bit of a challenge to place the gems on the jackets. Many were placed one by one. The collars had iron on designs so that was much easier!

Friday, July 18, 2008

My niece & kittens

Check out the video my niece did of herself and the kittens! Too cute.

Flowers for my birthday

Here are some lovely flowers my guys sent me for my birthday.